MSA:GW Ep.8 – Premeditated Murder: Relena Gives It A Shot

Relena’s had enough. While she goes on a rampage Heero-style, Heero recuperates, Duo attends a party and Wufei tries to have a character arc.
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Art credits: Long Meilan (“Nataku”) – @lotopauanka on Instagram Duo’s Diner logo – @pixiusmaximus on Twitter
Music credits: “Just Communication” Cover by Anime House Project (… ) “Heartbreaker” by Pat Benatar “Supergirl Theme” from the CW show “Supergirl”
Audio recorded at Island Station Media Lab in Milwaukie, OR. Thank you as always to our whole cast, who you can find credits for on our channel page. ((This video series is a parody of New Mobile Report: Gundam Wing. All rights to the original show are owned by Bandai Namco, Sunrise, TV Asahi and Viz Media.))